
The Aeolian Effect is an alternative rock project started in 2018 in the southeastern United States. The tracks will feature different musicians from around the world, collaborating to create songs that hopefully resonate with other music fans.

I started this project after coming up with song ideas and wanting to do something to publish them and get them out of my head. I learned to play guitar many years after I grew up (still learning), and spent many periods of my childhood going over song ideas with my friends. A lot of those ideas are still kicking around in my head, just waiting to be recorded. 

All songs start off with a guitar and some lyrics, get tracked in my own home studio, then sent out to other musicians to record their parts. None of the musicians featured here actually interface with one another on a physical level, which is one thing that makes this project unique. The parts are recorded in different countries, then joined together to make the full, finished result that you hear in the end! It is challenging in some ways to record in this manner, but it is also exciting, because it allows me to explore relationships with musicians I otherwise would never get to work with.

If you end up liking something we've put together, that will make it worth it - most of the tracks available for sale on this site can be downloaded at a cost that you determine at checkout. (Meaning you pay as much, or as little, as you want for the download - some tracks, even being free, if you choose).

As songs are completed, they will be released - probably one at a time, with eventual albums being the end goal. I encourage you to check out the other artists who feature on my tracks - there are some really cool people out there that you may miss out on, otherwise.

As for me....I'm just a guy with a lot of guitars. :)

Thanks for reading!


The Aeolian Effect